Optical Illusions | Freebies and Product Samples

Optical Illusions

Seeing weird stuff always catches our imaginations. Illusions, dreams, magic, video and optical illusions as well. I saw this Optical Illusion video on youtube and it looks so wonderful. Here, take a look at an Optical Illusion that is so good!


Anonymous said...

I find optical illusions interesting. I will sit and figure for a long time how they actually work. I'll end up not knowing anywayz! I wished I knew though.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Great video...the box was the ultimate one....the clouds really did the trick...cool post...

Anonymous said...

Amazing!!! I like the box trick. ;)

Xlinks ta pang? Hehehehe.


Unknown said...

nice one!

Rody said...

hello jona, thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is a really great post! It comes to show clearly that what you see is not always what it is for your brain deceives you, while trying to find well known shapes and forms and bind them in previously recognized configurations.


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